About Ann D’Amato
Founder and Managing Principal

Ann D’Amato, a native of Los Angeles, served over thirty-five years in the public sector, holding high profile staff positions reporting directly to the Los Angeles City Attorney, the Mayor of Los Angeles, the President of the Los Angeles City Council and the Council Member representing the Los Angeles Harbor area. 3D Networks is a highly skilled and hard charging team of professional consultants specializing in economic development, business and community outreach, and public affairs.
Professional Experience
Ms. D’Amato is the President of 3D Networks, a public affairs consulting firm. Prior to the establishment of the firm, Ms. D’Amato served as Chief Advisor to Los Angeles City Attorney Rocky Delgadillo providing strategic advice to the City Attorney on communications, governmental and legislative relations, community affairs and leadership initiatives. Ms. D’Amato was a key member of the management team operating the nation’s second largest municipal law firm with over 1,000 employees.
Prior to this appointment, Ms. D’Amato served as Deputy Mayor, responsible for community and government affairs for former Mayor Richard J. Riordan, overseeing his legislative initiatives in the City of Los Angeles, the County of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Unified School District, the State of California, and the United States Government. Her profile included community affairs, constituent services, volunteer programs, international protocol, and public affairs functions. Prior to joining the Riordan Administration, she served as a City Council Deputy for two Council Members including the President of the City Council.
Ms. D’Amato is the recipient of many honors including serving as a Presidential appointee to the United States Commission on Ocean Policy and a Gubernatorial appointee to the California State Task Force on the Protection of the Oceans. She has traveled extensively representing local and national interests throughout the world.
Ms. D’Amato graduated from the University of Redlands and holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Business and Management.